

Europe Commerce S.A.

Europe Commerce S.A. is a service orientated provider of minerals for the refractory industry, based in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. Raw materials are mainly sourced in North and South America, as well as Asia. Partnerships over 25 years with suppliers in various countries in form of distributor or agency agreements as well as purchasing agreements with selected producers are the basis for a reliable product range of quality minerals. The certification according to ISO 9002 in combination with professional engineers in the fields of ceramics, mineralogy, and chemistry are the key to understand customer requirements and to translate them into the day to day work of supply to most refractory companies, but also in some other applications, throughout Europe. A dedicated back …

Europe Commerce S.A.

Country: Luxemburg
Address: 44, rue des Prés L-7333 Steinsel
Postal Code:
Website: http://www.eucom.lu

Europe Commerce S.A.

Address: 44, rue des Prés L-7333 Steinsel Postal Code: Website: http://www.eucom.lu

Sponsored by: ACRI (The Association of China Refractories Industry), Tangshan YinNaiLian E-Business Co., Ltd.

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